Monday, 13 September 2010

For the Motherland!

Drew came round and we found ourselves with unexpected playing time available on Sunday in between lawn mowing and door painting. So, aside from an interruption to chop up a dozen pigeons for the freezer (no, really) battle was joined!

We played the scenario wherein three control points award victory tokens, 7 being needed to win. Drew took a jack-heavy eSorscha list. I took all the models I have :)

TBH Looking back I knew I fluffed this early on, going in with no real plan as such. Drew then proceeded to spank me for my lack of foresight. In a nutshell, 2 turns of maneuvering were followed by an explosion of violence in the board centre. The Dire Troll Mauler fell without swinging a punch, crushed by the shitload of death that Beast 09 carries in each sweaty fist. The trolls had seized one flank marker a turn earlier than the Khadorians had, making it impossible for Drew to just camp for victory and let the middle marker be a contested zone. So, due to poor positioning, I found the Axer and Hero engaged by a Kodiak whilst the Mauler died.

A few poor dice didn't help, but the real culprit as Drew who was perfectly gentlemanly, but totally punishing in his exploitation of my crappy layout. After an Impaler died I was left with an over-extended Madrak being borne down on by A Kodiak and the Beast, whilst a badly wounded Axer duelled Sorscha and another Kodiak in the middle.

I had one end-game plan (well, two variations on the plan). First, if the Impaler could slam the Beast even 1", Madrak could pop Crusher and storm the rear of a Mechanik line- overtake would easily carry him around into Sorscha's rear and filleting would ensue. This failed to happen on a boosted roll. Arse.

No matter, as the variant plan had Madrak charge away from the Beast, risking the free strike but with the Scroll of Endurance to soak the attack. Then he could engage Sorscha at the front for a less guaranteed, but still very likely caster kill. All that had to happen was that Drew didn't roll a double in the 3-6 range for the crit freeze from Beast 09. Easy.

Double 3. Double arse.

I conceded at this point, as this left Madrak stationary next to Beast 09 hitting  automatically and with only a Axer with 4 damage points left in control range.

TBH I was happy with losing- it was a good game and I didn't deserve to win. Drew played a solid and well-planned list while I ambled across the board with no real intent. I only really felt the final caster kill plan was anything decent, and the dice gods felt I did not deserve victory for this alone!

Anyway, that's the game. Pics below, and I will push Drew for some writeups of his won to post soon so the game breakdowns are not always so "troll-centric"!

Hoping my stuff comes soon,


Khadorian Deployment
Trolls wander over to see what's up
Second Turn- the jockeying for position
is well under way.
What the trolls saw- not a pretty sight!
The Mauler breaks cover and heads for the
icon- this will be its doom.
Ouch! Scratch one Mauler, and it ain't so hot for
the other trolls either!
I was wrong- things COULD get worse...
time for last-ditch assassination run on Sorscha
THAT went as well as could be expected!

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

More pictures

Here are some more pics from the game, plus a bad photo of my painted Mauler and Skinner. On order- the unit and solos I need to take my force to a solid 35 points. Plus stat cards for the whole faction- joy!

Mauler and Skinner- terrible photo, awesome models!
Mardrak watches from a "sensible" distance as
his beasts advance...
The Impalers try their hand at the Widowmaker-
Irusk exhorts his troops to greater things.
Mardrak- he da TROLL!
Battle is joined- big time. It gets bad for the
Axer at this point...
The Khadorian trap is sprung- it looks
bleak for the boys in blue right now...
...or perhaps not. Go Crusher feat and Carnage!
My troll loves tinned food!

Monday, 6 September 2010

Battle is Joined!

The Man-Cave has had a proper "christening" now, with both painting and gaming in it!

Drew and I moved the minis cabinet into there (thanks Drew) and then set ourselves up for a game of Warmachine/Hordes using the fresh new troll figs that had literally just dropped through the letterbox (or at least, been left by the door).

What followed was two games of furious and bloody fun, punctuated by flicking through rule books and getting things wrong! The trolls claimed 2 victories, through a combination of brutality, lucky dice and noticing what the scenario win conditions actually were. However, Khador gave as good as they got and Drew proved a canny foe.

Both games featured the same forces: pMardrak, 2 Impalers, an Axer, a Dire Mauler and a Skinner facing eIrusk with 5 Man O' Wars, a Kodiak, A Drakhun, a Widowmaker Markswoman and a Manhunter.

I was pretty concerned with the number of models my trolls faced. However, trolls are nothing if not tough and the first game saw no troll fall, save the skinner who was carved into little blue chunks by a grinning female Manhunter in short order.

The second game, Drew had learned to respect how warbeast spiral damage rules keep them functioning much longer than 'Jacks might, and concentrated fire at the first chance he had. A mistake on measuring saw both Axers exposed which meant I had to push my force into no-man's land in the open much sooner than planned. Drew exploited this with punishing speed and the Impalers died in fairly short order (their ability to slam Man O' Wars out of shield formation proved too good to let them live).

Some very swift and clever combos of magic and abilities saw the rest of Drew's force sweep through the forest into no- man's land with amazing speed and surround the Axer, Mauler and little skinner who was holding the woods with Sure Foot running on him. Mardrak lurked a little behind them, much as Irusk was doing with his Khador line.

A devastating Drakhun charge battered the Axer but regeneration aided him greatly. Then, the Kodiak tore the Axer to pieces even with one remaining arm.However, it looked bleak...Until...Mardrak advanced, cast carnage and popped his feat. Inspired by Overtake and free attacks, the Skinner charged the Drakhun on a suicide run and amazingly survived due to his high DEF.Then the Mauler awoke. Fury, Carnage and Crusher feat meant all Drew could do was watch in disbeleif as the Mauler advanced along the front of the shield all popping the heads of Man O' Wars and stuffing them into its maw. A moment after being surrounded, the Mauler was left facing one Man O' War, and with full health due to snacking. Even with the Widowmaker dropping the Skinnero (a sweet single shot to the head- full health to no health in one hit),  it was just a formality for Mardrak and the Mauler to slay the final Man O' War and slam the Kodiak out of no man's land to force a scenario condition win.

A second victory to the trolls, but now that Mardrak's buffs and combos have been revealed in their glory, the next time I seek a victory  it will be even harder. An awesome two games that leaves me desperately waiting for the next one. See the photos below for a taste of the game...

NB Drew has nicer piccies as his Dell Sprint has a decent camera. Also, the Mauler and Skinner are now painted and will appear up very soon...


PS Bring on the Everblight! Sept 25th is coming...

The Khador line prepares for war...
The Impaler sees the foe and plans to attack the Manhunter- MISTAKE!!
The trolls move to support the over-extended Impalers
Irusk prepares the magic- the Khador line pretty
much ignores that wood!