Sunday, 17 October 2010

Tournament results in, plus P3 FTW!!

Pictures Huzzah!!

Drew and I went to QFD, a tournament in Kidderminster, as our first toe-dip into the murky waters of competitive gaming. And...

it's ace!

Here is why:

- You get to meet loads of new players. This is a good thing. They will spank you repeatedly with their armies and you emerge a better player as a result. I've picked over my lists and tactics and have found countless ways I could've been so much better with exactly the same models, but in better configuration.

- You really, REALLY learn the game. See above.

- You may (as we did) find players local to you to expand your group with.

- You may (as we did) get invited to closed events due to being nice to everyone :)

- You may (as I did) win best army and get a free £10 to spend at a store- which means you may also find a new store to visit as well!

Finally, if you;re lucky like me, the posting of your image collecting your prize may mean some guys who you knew 10 years ago in Plymouth may get in touch and rekindle their friendship, which is of course ace!

The tournament was really fun despite only winning one game. Drew pulled 2 wins and a draw, and was joint first for most sporting player. We both have plans for next time.

In other news, I got my hands on formula P3 paints at last and took the plunge with some series 7 brushes and P3 sable brushes. Goodbye forever, GW- I no longer buy your figs thanks to Mantic, play your games thanks to Privateer and now I don't even need your glue, paint or brushes. Once I get my battleboard in January, we shall sadly part ways for the foreseeable future. It's been a journey but I shall always remember you!

P3 paints are quite simply amazing. Silky smooth, excellent coverage and so easy to blend that the results are flawless even when mixed with other paint. When I am exclusively P3, watch out world!

Any way, here are some pics of the tourny and some really shitty shots of my force:

The tournament in full swing. Man in woolly hat is Jon Webb, podcast
maker for Boosted Damage, excellent painter and all-round
dude of coolness and all things nice. 

More tourny action- Drew and I proved farily photo-proof!. The
bearded guy in the back is Alun, troll player and really nice guy.

A shot of my forces in action against Neal "Pink Menoth"'s Pink
Menites! These were painted for the Breast cancer Brawl, which I plan
to do next year. My trolls will NOT be pink though. 

Me winning best army. I got disqualified for having one unpainted
model, but agitation from Drew and Jon Webb got me
re-instated. Jon then lost to my army. He was robbed!
Borka, in his Pimp jacket.
Madrak and his boys. 
The big guys. Not as effective as I'd hoped but I have
 learned much and have plans...
Troll with big rock. I love the Krielstone- it's so cool!
Loz and I jog past one of these every day. Strangely, we've
never been tempted to try and lift it. 

Solos and attachments. The much-maligned Skinner.
I still love him, even if nobody else will. 

Thursday, 7 October 2010

sick sick sick

I am sick, in the medical sense right now. I'm also getting pretty sick of painting trolls sadly, due to hammering at them to be ready for the tournament. I shall be taking a goodly break once the weekend is through and return refreshed and renewed in a week or so.

Tourny photos to come though!


Sunday, 3 October 2010

Tournament time!

Well it's been a busy couple of weeks...

painted a Bomber, a fell caller, a Stone Scribe, a Runebearer and am digging into painting a krielstone, some converted champions and the mighty Borka Kegslayer. (pics to come)

The Arma-Shed-Don event happened! 8 games of WM/H over two days and a fun time was had by all. Sadly, my trolls didn't win ANYTHING all weekend no matter who fielded them, but it was still aces!

Ben's Legion were in full swing and he went away determined to add to his forces (he had been assembling a new Carnivean as I write). Plus, Simon and Michael both now intend to collect- Skorne and Cryx will be coming to a battlefield near us soon! I'm fairly certain Drew got some pcs of this so I'll grab them ASAP.

And...we're going to our first tournament this weekend! One week today is a tounry in Kidderminster. Sufficiently close to make it worth us attending, this should be loads of fun. As I have discovered, I don't really have the troop picks for a decent tourny force, so I'm just going for a lugh and expect to get creamed in all my games. Oh well!

Maybe I can pick up a painted army award...

Should be fun- lots of pics and stuff to come, plus I'll FINALLY pin Drew down to some battle reports!

Peace out
