Wednesday 6 January 2010


I'm loving master plan right now, it's awesome for DMs as it lets you build dynamically presented campaigns with everyone interlinked,from encounters to maps to handouts to monster stats. It'll even track the combats for you in realtime at the table. It#s probably the single best DM tool I've seen!

find it at

And you'll want some Dungeon Tiles for it too- see my links sidebar for a direct link to a compilation I've made :)

Saturday 2 January 2010

D&D Downloads

off to the sidebar there, down at the bottom, you'll find links to the stuff I commonly use in my D&D game. This is all the stuff I made for my own game so it may or may not fit yours!

Friday 1 January 2010

D&D Kits and Bits

I'll be trying to post stuff up here for D&D, so that it's easily found. However, I AM easily distracted :)