Sunday, 29 August 2010

Painted stuff- FTW!!

Here are some painted models I've got done- again, not the best picture quality but I hope to get a better camera very soon via school :)

Basic Dwarf Warriors- Mantic Games

Dwarf Rangers- Mantic with GW bits

Unit filler- Drunk Dwarfs!
Dwarfs love using elven helmets as tankards!

Troll Warband- with converted Impaler (other Impaler not done)

Khador War dog- for Drew's force

The shields on all of the dwarf models, plus the banner design, are all designed in Photoshop using various freely available runic fonts and celtic decoration symbols. These are then printed onto laser jet waterslide transfer paper which I got from

I used the laserjet version because we have a laserjet at school and the ink is instantly waterproof and ready to use, whereas inkjet transfer paper requires a fairly arduous prep involving varnishes before it can be used. It's really cheap, about £1.50 a sheet, and one sheet will do a whole army no problem!

I'm working on another Impaler for the warband right now, plus 2 Kodiak warjacks for Drew's force. To build now the shed is done- the remaining dwarf warrios and unit fillers, plus the missile troops and the crews for the cannons. This is backseat to the trolls through, as the majority of the dwarf stuff won't be available until the end of Sept. 

On order- Hordes primal Mk II, a Dire Troll Marauder and a Trollkin Skinner. Later this month I hope to add a unit of Trollblood Champions and some other bits! End of September sees a Hordes/Warmachine hoe-down in the shed :) Meanwhile, on a Monday night the dwafs will be playing Warhammer skirmish until I have enough to play a full game.

Thass all folks!


PS check out the many great podcasts linked across, and also Mantic and Privateer Press 

Battle College offers a good guide to all Warmachine and Hordes units and there is a List Maker (NOT "Army Builder") at Forward Kommander 

Thursday, 26 August 2010

The War Room- and Big Blue Meanies!

Dwarfs are coming along nicely, and there will be piccies very shortly of my first 2 complete units of warriors. The Mantic stuff rules!

However, I have been distracted- by Trollbloods! The Hordes stuff from Privateer press is lovely and the game is awesome to play, so I've spent this week modelling and painting a starter set. This is okay, as my dwarfs will not be with me until the end of September. I'll do my trolls in the gap...

In other news, I've got my "man cave" built- the gaming shed has landed :)

Here are some piccies, of the converted and built trolls and the shed (sorry about crappy quality)

Painted images this weekend, when the light is good enough for my crappy phone camera.
The War-Shed, or Man-Cave
The Painting Area

Out-of-Focus gaming area
Trollboods- with a converted Impaler so there's no repetition!

Next stop, getting some painted done- that and adding a power supply to my new gaming Mecca!


Monday, 2 August 2010

D&D plus WFB

Well, it's been a while but I've decided to resurrect this blog thing. My main reason for this is to record the process of putting my new Warhammer hobby activity into action.

D&D is still happening; had a game 2 weeks ago with another in 2 weeks' time, but with Masterplan handling the heavy lifting on the game, and my decision to move away from miniatures-heavy gaming to more roleplay and abstractions, there's not a lot to say about this for now..

So, I plan to catalogue the Warhammer stuff as it happens. Mainly to motivate me to get it all done!

Here's the deal- 8th edition came out just as I was contemplating returning to mini gaming rather than zombifying myself on the computer every night. So, I got the rules and I LOVE them. It's an awesome edition of the game!

I've checked out the podcasts (see the links) and built a new table. I'm taking delivery of a large workshop shed which will house my games.

But the focus of this blog will be the development of my army. Dwarfs, my beloved hairy buggers!

Army list is picked to 3000 points, and I'll put it up shortly. The big news right now is, I'm getting the first miniatures for the army this week. My plan is to show the army as it develops and catalogue the modelling and painting process so I have a record of this, even if nobody else wants to look. My starting point shall be infantry, where I'll play with paint schemes.

Oh, and the minis are not GW but Mantic Games.

Watch this space for photos of the first bunch later this week!
