Thursday, 26 August 2010

The War Room- and Big Blue Meanies!

Dwarfs are coming along nicely, and there will be piccies very shortly of my first 2 complete units of warriors. The Mantic stuff rules!

However, I have been distracted- by Trollbloods! The Hordes stuff from Privateer press is lovely and the game is awesome to play, so I've spent this week modelling and painting a starter set. This is okay, as my dwarfs will not be with me until the end of September. I'll do my trolls in the gap...

In other news, I've got my "man cave" built- the gaming shed has landed :)

Here are some piccies, of the converted and built trolls and the shed (sorry about crappy quality)

Painted images this weekend, when the light is good enough for my crappy phone camera.
The War-Shed, or Man-Cave
The Painting Area

Out-of-Focus gaming area
Trollboods- with a converted Impaler so there's no repetition!

Next stop, getting some painted done- that and adding a power supply to my new gaming Mecca!


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